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Beiträge erstellt von VirusKiller

  1. mensch der arme karl kann doch auch nichts für seine gabe. ;)

    Der heißt Paul :P

    Zum Spiel...verdient verloren, mehr kann man dazu nicht sagen. Die Mannschaft war wohl einfach zu nervös und ängstlich, was wohl daran liegt, dass sie eben noch sehr jung sind...allerdings bin ich optimistisch was die nächste EM/WM angeht, sofern sich der Trainerstab und der Spielerkader nicht allzugroß verändert :)

  2. Kleiner Tipp, aufpassen wenn ihr die Beta wieder deinstalliert und noch eine andere Firefox Version installiert habt...macht unbedingt den Haken weg wo er fragt ob ihr auch eure Einstellungen, Lesezeichen, Addons usw. löschen wollt, denn wenn ihr das Häkchen dort drinlässt dann löscht er ebenfalls alles in eurem Firefox 3.6.x...

    Hab eben diese schmerzhafte Erfahrung machen müssen...VERDAMMTE SCH****** *argh*

    Nimmt lieber die Portable Version, gibts hier:


  3. Scheint ein Problem mit den Schriftarten zu sein. Iwas deinstalliert in letzter Zeit? Guck mal da für Vista, wenn nicht mal nach "Schriftarten neuinstallieren" für dein Betriebssystem googeln :)

    Ja, habe etwas deinstalliert, das wird wohl auch das Problem ausgelöst haben...

    Die in dem Link beschriebene Vista Methode funktioniert leider nicht unter Windows 7, wäre ja auch zu einfach gewesen :baeeeeeh:

    Hab mir eine VM erstellt und eine frische Win7 Installation draufgepackt und anschließend den Fonts-Ordner und nen Reg-Eintrag exportiert und das dann hier auf dem normalen Rechner importiert, hat funktioniert, was ich nicht gedacht hätte. Das war aber auch nen Gefrickel, ich wäre zwischendurch verrückt geworden weil nichts so wirklich wollte wie ich es will :grrrr: Aber jetzt läuft ja wieder alles :) Danke dennoch!

  4. Moin, habe hier ein paar Darstellungsprobleme, so sieht bei mir momentan die Startseite aus:

    Wie man sieht ist alles in Fett geschrieben. Das Problem habe ich jedoch nicht nur auf BF-G, sondern auch auf YouTube, Google und sicherlich auch auf einigen anderen. Habe Firefox schon neuinstalliert, aber es sieht immer noch so aus. Hat jemand eine Ahnung was das sein könnte? So macht macht das Lesen echt keinen Spaß, ist total unangenehm für die Augen :(

    Edit: Der Internet Explorer (8) ist auch nicht gerade frei von Darstellungsfehlern, dort ist der gesamte Text in kursiv geschrieben, was zur Hölle...

  5. Die Carl Gustav sscheint etwas entschärft worden zu sein, hatten vorhin mal zum Testen ein 1vs1 damit.

    Sonst irgendwer schon Erfahrung mit der CG gemacht?

    Yep, kann ich bestätigen.

    Hier auch nochmal die ganzen Waffentweaks:

    As requested by the community, here is the exhaustive all inclusive changelist of all balance updates made in the R10 Server update for PC.

    Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.

    Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.

    Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.

    Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.

    Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.

    Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.

    Slightly reduced the base damage of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.

    Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles.

    Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry.

    Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.

    Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance.

    Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.

    Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.

    Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon.

    Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon.

    Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire.

    Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols.

    Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating.

    Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes.

    Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets.

    Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles.

    Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore.

    Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.

    Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal+ specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization.

    Decreased the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations.

    Slightly decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.

    Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.

    Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.

    Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.

    These changes will eventually make their way to the 360 and PS3 as we work with our partners Microsoft and Sony to continue to support BFBC2 on all platforms.

    Bei der M60 hätte man auch ruhig noch die Streuung erhöhen können

  6. Hat jemand eine Ahnung warum das Spiel jedes mal 2 Dateien in den Temp Ordner (User/Appdata/Local/Temp/BFBC2Game_Data_DFE) legt dessen Inhalt (wenn man diese mit dem Texteditor öffnet) folgendes ist:

    (Das "berühmte" Jabberwocky Gedicht)

    `Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

    All mimsy were the borogoves,

    And the mome raths outgrabe.

    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

    The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

    The frumious Bandersnatch!"

    He took his vorpal sword in hand:

    Long time the manxome foe he sought --

    So rested he by the Tumtum tree,

    And stood awhile in thought.

    And, as in uffish thought he stood,

    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

    And burbled as it came!

    One, two! One, two! And through and through

    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

    He left it dead, and with its head

    He went galumphing back.

    "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?

    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'

    He chortled in his joy.

    `Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

    All mimsy were the borogoves,

    And the mome raths outgrabe.


    Ba'et bashak ushlay pachzar

    Be'afsay-chak savsu, makdo:

    au az chilcain haya nimzar

    umtay-aran kairdu.

    "Gura bnee, min hapiton

    mai 'chod-shino, chil-ziparno!

    mayof-girgir tanoos, za'on

    maychetesh bim'gono!"

    Vehu shalaf saypho hachaz:

    nad, cheepace et pechik-tzarav --

    veko amad betzel zamzam,

    tapoos beheerhoorav.

    Odo omed shefa hagoot

    vehapiton, einav dolkot

    veesh'vesh beya'ar hamanood,

    ho'e'ah venakot!

    Bim'chi chazooz - habas! habas! -

    ticktaich hasayif benimhar

    natal et rosh pigro hazed

    ve'el beito tzahar

    "Af ketalto, et hapiton?

    achabkecha, yaldi hatzach!

    ho yom-tzilha! yabah! yabah!

    bechedvato patzach.

    Ba'et bashak ushlay pachzar

    Be'afsay-chak savsu, makdo:

    au az chilcain haya nimzar

    umtay-aran kairdu.

    ? :ugly:

  7. Mal was anderes...hat außer mir noch jemand das Problem das er nicht durch die Station MG's schauen kann? Der Tip man soll die Grafik/Textur auf high stellen hab ich schon von Anfang an drin aber da wo eigentlich ein horizontaler Schlitz sein sollte, ist bei mir eine schwarze Platte. Grafisch gesehen schaut es so aus als müsse das so sein da eine Textur drauf liegt. Das Problem dabei ist aber dass das MG für völlig nutzlos ist weil überhaupt nicht sehen kann wo ich hin schieße damit.

    Muss man das vielleicht erst freispielen?

    Das ist ein bekannter ein DirectX9 Bug, laut DICE wird es bald gefixt. Heißt also dass du bis dahin nur blind damit rumschießen darfst :P

  8. Keine Ahnung ob die Liste hier schon irgendwo gepostet wurde:

    Bad Company 2 Known Issues

    - EA disconnects: Work ongoing in this area. Largely down to bandwidth, mostly fixed. This is different to being disconnected from a game server.

    - CTD’s: There were several CTDs reported. We have already addressed some in patches for CTDs when loading MP maps. Work on CTDs will continue. When reporting a CTD please don’t just say “my PC crashed to desktop”. We need to know what you were doing in game when this occurred in order to be able to research the problem.

    - Punkbuster: Server update solved the punkbuster issue. Hacks/Cheats bans on going

    - Unable to login problems: As with EA Disconnects above

    - Autobalance: This is an ongoing area we are researching. We realize the frustration this causes. A re-write is underway to address Autobalance and joining friends which leads to team balance issues.

    - Server Browser is slow: We are addressing this with each patch update. Sort by PING should now work. Clicking cancel should return 100 servers within 5 seconds. We are looking to introduce a list by region (Europe, North America Asia) – not confirmed as feasible yet.

    - Ability to take a screenshot: not currently supported

    - Scoreboard text overlaps: Fixed

    - Scoreboard does not always display ping on certain game types (Squad Deathmatch): Being researched. Data actually shows round trip latency for a packet.

    - Switching teams when you are dead, often makes you respawn in enemy territory on Rush Mode: Being researched.

    - Server info when loading tends to wander off designated text area when the message is too long:Known issue on the list, minor at present.

    - Server browser filter does not always filter correctly: As above, we are working on several issues in this area.

    - When joining servers, server browser will often say “Please Wait”: Should be Fixed to display Server Full or Password required message. Please feedback.

    - Ping in-game differs from real ping (usually 50-100ms difference): This is due to round-trip latency for an in game packet.

    - Not always able to chat at the end of a round: Being researched. Does not affect all users.

    - Points gained after death are not awarded at all: Design issue, see other threads.

    - After a round, sometimes the win or lose screen does not execute: Fix underway.

    - Various friend’s list issues: Fixes underway.

    - GUI issues while playing HardCore mode: Being researched.

    - Vsync option is not working for certain users: Being researched.

    - Sound settings (hi-fi, wartapes, etc.) reset upon exit of game: Fix underway.

    - MG36 scope has no red dot in hardcore mode: Being researched.

    - Vehicle optics zoom in sometimes doesn’t work or gets stuck in zoomed in mode: Being researched.

    - Possible to get stuck half way trying to jump through certain windows, have to die or suicide to get out:Being researched (unlikely fix).

    - Certain vehicle weapons fire inconsistently (heli and APC cannon), sometimes firing bursts other time firing just 1 shot: Being researched.

    - Users with ATI cards are experiencing longer-than-normal load times: Known issue.

    - Users with ATI cards in Crossfire have reported texture flashing/glitching: Being researched.

    - Helicopters still rubberband when hit by AA: Being researched (potential latency between server and client)

    - Dead white pixel in the bottom right-hand corner: Yep… issue with empty HUD and minor for the large part.

    - Dead pixels on letterbox bars in singleplayer: Being researched.

    - Scrollwheel becomes “inverted” while trying to change weapon when sprinting: Known issue, potential fix soon.

    - Iron sights/Gun models should scale with FOV: Being researched (model redesign is difficult at this stage)

    - After a round, many times the “Unlock Progression” page will not show your next upgrades for any class: Server data issue. The progression stats are hosted on a different server to the main game and fail safes kick in when high traffic from stats websites occur and people are playing.

    - “Awards Collected” descriptions on the Stats page point to dates that are before the BC2 release date: Being researched.

    - 4x ACOG scope & Red Dot Sight disappear on Assault kit when using 40mm grenade launcher: Being researched (model redesign is difficult at this stage)

    - The “Play Now” button occasionally tries to connect to password-enabled servers: To be adjusted in future update. Should look for non-password, non HC, non Full, non empty, low ping. On going.

    - Alt + Tab (Minimize to desktop) does not work. Only works when you have other windows open and can switch to them: Being researched. Low priority at present.

    - M1 Garand does not appear in-game for Battlefield Veterans after entering code: Fixed, please feedback.

    - Knife is glitched: Design issue plus latency.

    - Spotting doesn’t function properly many of the times: Being researched. Potential issue with cool down timer.

    - Some unlocks don’t unlock at the required levels/experience: Believed to be largely fixed. Please research.

    - Joystick issues: Being researched.

    - Textures flicker on many maps, including misplaced ships and buildings: Some work done in this area, potential driver issues remaining.

    - The built-in VOIP does not work: Intermittent, being researched.

    - The UAV station, when operating UAV, has a graphical positional problem, making the UAV station appear to be “floating” and not stationary: Yes, low priority.

    - Pings aren’t showing up in the Steam version: Believe fixed, feedback please.

    - Game is not actually shutting down after Exiting the game in the Steam version: Being researched.

    - The unlock progression of a specific item does not show up if you have used it after picking up someone else’s kit: Design issue

    - Malfunctioning C4 (does not always detonate):Being researched.

    - Fix the M14 description or the amount of ammo in the clip (description says 20 rounds in a clip, but it’s only 10): On the list, not super urgent (but its poor polish, yes).

    - Floor texture glitching after explosion: Terrain deformation, probably wont fix.

    - FOV keeps resetting to 55 in singleplayer every time a cut scene plays: Known issue, being researched.

    - Dog Tags collection screen has UI bug for numbers over 3 digits: Yep, minor and may not address.

    - The wartapes sound option makes louder sounds like gunfire and bomb explosions very static-like: Being researched.

    - Smoke GL malfunctions. Either does not detonate or does not show as detonated on users screen: Being researched, potential config issue.

    - Flight sticks don’t function fully with this game: Being researched.

    - Bullets passing through walls only leave holes on 1 side: Yes… J

    - Shotgun crosshairs still appear despite the server crosshair option turned off: Being researched.

    - Quadbike horn can´t be heard by other players: Being researched. Expected to be a combination of factors affecting this making a fix difficult.

    - Sending friend invites is very inconsistent: Fix underway.

    - When spawning on a quadbike, you are able to view 360° instead of 180°: Whilst an issue, unlikely to be addressed.

    - Bugged reload animation for the Neostad 2000: Being researched (model redesign is difficult at this stage)

    - No squad repair points if a squadmember stays on the second /gunner seat: Believe fixed, please feedback.

    - No squad text chat in vehicles: Agreed, fix planned.

    - Can’t spawn on a squad member in the water: Intentional, should occur when you can’t use weapons in the water.

    - Isla Innocentes-specific building glitch for MCOM’s. Destroying fence next to building, levels the building, effectively destroying the MCOM in the process: Oops. We will work on a fix for this.

    - “Most Scored By” Section shows more kills on a weapon than the cumulative kills for that round: Being researched.

    - MG shield will sometimes block your view, instead of enabling you to see through it: DX9 specific, fix planned.

    - 4x ACOG scope for different weapons “float” 1-2 inches in front of scope’s model: Being researched (model redesign is difficult at this stage)

    - GOL Magnum Sniper with 4x ACOG Scope & Red Dot Sight has graphical errors: This was a driver issue we believe to be fixed. Feedback please.

    - Award Scores at the end of a match are bugged: Being researched.

    - “Floating window” after destroying wall. Also, there are textures still visible from the grenade explosion on the wall: Unlikely to be fixed.

    -Shadows are very pixelated. Max AA/AF & all HIGH settings won’t help smooth out the jagged shadow edges: Unlikely to be fixed. Possible configuration issue.

    - Awards (medals) are bugged when being awarded: Being researched.

    - MEDK R+ and MEDK H+ descriptions are swapped: Being researched. Low priority at present.

    Na da hat DICE ja echt noch einiges zu tun :)

  9. So, nach etwas mehr als 30 Stunden Spielzeit hier mal die Dinge, die mich bisher am meisten stören:

    - Punktevergabe bei Fahrzeughilfekills ein wenig unfair. Manchmal ballere ich 2 Raketen in einen Panzer rein und bekomme nicht mal Punkte für die Beschädigung (Nein, ich bin nicht punktegeil, aber trotzdem...)

    - Granatwerfer zu stark / zu einfach gestaltet. Am besten so abschwächen wie in BF2, geringer Wirkungsbereich und ineffektiv auf extrem kurzen Distanzen.

    - Das UAV ist ein viel zu leichtes Opfer und vor allem zu schwach (vor allem das MG, das ist ja mal echt ein Witz...)

    - "Jetzt Spielen" Wenn ich die Funktion schon nutze dann möchte ich auch wirklich JETZT spielen und nicht erst 5 mal hintereinander die Meldung wegklicken, dass der Server voll ist.

    - Baseraping im Conquest-Modus. Warum die Base nicht wie in Rush vor Feinden schützen?

    - Nicht funktionierendes Auto-Balance im Laufe einer Runde

    - Trotz Reanimationen wird einem ein Tod angerechnet

    - Unübersichtliche Map (Ich habe manchmal echt mühe die türkisblauen Pfeile auf Schneemaps zu sehen)

    - Waffenbalance generell etwas verbesserungsfähig (vor allem die M60...)

    - Blocker, damit meine ich Spieler die z.B. Türrahmen stehen und man selbst kommt nicht raus. Wäre gut wenn man die wie in BF2 ein wenig schubsen könnte

    Fortsetzung folgt... :shifty:

  10. Hab mal wieder ein paar kleine Fragen :P

    An die Xfire-Nutzer: Ist das Fenster bei euch auch so derart verzerrt? Hab das Problem schon seit Release.

    Ist es eigentlich möglich durch den Sehschlitz den Typ dahinter zu treffen? Ich hab's bisher immer versucht, nur getroffen habe ich die nie...

    Und zu guter letzt: Hat jemand ein paar effektive Tips für mich wie ich 3 Roadkills für die Nadel zusammenkriege? Ich tu mich da echt schwer... :facepalm:

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