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Patch 1.3 - der offizielle Release-Thread

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CTD trat bei mir bis jetzt 2 oder 3 mal auf. Allerdings beim Button "Spiel beitreten" und nicht "Server beitreten".

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jop Wolf

Danke für den Tip :super:

Sobald ich den Button "Server beitreten" benutze wird zwar verbunden erhalte aber spätestens beim Button "Spiel beitreten" die nette Möglichkeit nochmal anzufangen.

--Du--kommst--hier-- ned--rein----Du--kommst--hier-- ned--rein----Du--kommst--hier-- ned--rein--

Das erlebe ich über den Doppelklick auf den auserwählten Server nicht.


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habe seit 1.3 nur noch verbindungsprobleme, weiss einer rat??

wechsel mal den DNS- Server.

muss nicht unbedingt an 1.3 liegen

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jop Wolf

Danke für den Tip :super:

Sobald ich den Button "Server beitreten" benutze wird zwar verbunden erhalte aber spätestens beim Button "Spiel beitreten" die nette Möglichkeit nochmal anzufangen.

--Du--kommst--hier-- ned--rein----Du--kommst--hier-- ned--rein----Du--kommst--hier-- ned--rein--

Das erlebe ich über den Doppelklick auf den auserwählten Server nicht.


Ne liegt nicht daran!!!Hilft auch nichts!! :rolleyes::daumenrunter:

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Hier mal ne ausführliche Buglist!!

This is list of bugs and balance propositions from Polish Community:

1) Sometimes ?Join Game? screen appears again although we're already in the game.

2) When Squad Leader is in place where he can?t stand up, squad members can?t respawn on him but respawn icon is still green.

3) Sometimes supply drop doesn?t appear at all.

4) Type 85 can shot only in auto mode.

5) Sometimes gunner can?t control TV rocket.

6) Red/Blue name tag bug is still here.

7) Sometimes nothing happens after firing a TV rocket, instead it just loads next one.

Cool Some bullets don?t hit target. You can shoot whole clip to an enemy but he will survive. It happens in tanks too.

9) Changing sits in a helicopter disturbs AA rockets' locking on you. Locking on should continue even when you change place in a vehicle.

10) Sometimes ammo packs and health packs fall inside the map. It affects C4 also, moreover they fall inside vehicles too.

11) Sometimes instead of one, we throw two ammo packs, health packs, grenades at once. After few seconds one disappears.

12) Commander is able to spot an enemy even without Scan or UAV. He should have spotting ability only while scan is in progress. When scan is over and info about enemy had disappeared, he should not be able to spot enemies until next scan/UAV.

13) In some cases revived player doesn't have his kit.

14) Sometimes when you change back to TV mode after some time, instead of ready rocket you will find that it's reloading again.

15) Sometimes rockets go through objects. It happens to all types of rockets.

16) Game doesn?t show other players' animation properly. When you change to stand/crouch position very fast while being behind a wall etc., you will be able to see and shoot enemy behind it but enemy won?t see you for short time. Also going to prone position takes more time for animation than for hitboxes.

17) Jeep drop should work like supply drop. It shouldn?t drop exactly in pointed place.

1Cool Planes shouldn?t be able to slow down so much, that they are able to shoot down helicopters with gun only and then fly away using boost. They should fall down and crash.

19) Sometimes claymores don?t work at all, in other situations they blow up when we are few meters away from them.

20) When player is laying behind obstacle his legs stick out on the other side.

21) Jeeps shouldn't be allowed to be dropped on buildings, etc.

22) AK guns should be less accurate. Often they win fight on long distance with M16 and on short they overpower it with better damage and auto mode.

23) Game crashes too often.

24) After TK with claymore/mine both players should get negative scores.

25) After 1.3 servers are crashing more often.

26) Vehicles lose hp even when they pull off from small hill.

27) Player loses hit points when he runs downstairs.

2Cool You can?t control your character for a moment after running on top of the stairs. Many players fall down from Construction building on Sharqi Peninsula because of that.

29) Sometimes you must use defibrillator 2-3 times to revive someone.

30) Shooting sound loops sometimes. It happens usually with unlocked weapons.

31) Server browser doesn?t show information properly.

32) Sometimes vehicles on mini map have player icon.

33) When player gets in dropped jeep he will have ?drop? icon over his head.

34) Sometimes zoom in sniper rifles, AT changes back to normal mode. Even if we don?t click at all.

35) Spawn map appears again even if we close it using ?X?.

36) J10 maneuverability should be decreased or AA rockets should be much more effective against it.

37) F15 maneuverability should be increased.

3Cool AA rockets should be a bit more effective against F18.

39) Plane cannons should be more effective against other planes.

40) Planes can destroy AA turrets before they are in their sight. They shouldn?t be able to attack so precisely before they see their target.

41) Sometimes enemy unit spotted by commander is displayed with green icon or is not displayed at all.

42) Vehicle drop can destroy artillery or other vehicles.

43) In 1.3 logging and map loading take more time.

44) Disconnecting without any reasons.

45) Sometimes Stinger can lock on enemy chopper from further than normal distance. You can get lock on Sharqi Peninsula by Stinger from MEC base when you are near TV Station.

46) Player can get inside some buildings like Hotel on Strike At Karkand.

47) Sometimes you need to press fire button few times when you are sitting in TOW to shoot.

4Cool Sometimes enemy helicopter is not showed on map after being spotted.

49) UAVs shouldn?t fly on the same altitude. They sometimes destroy each other.

50) When you are shooting with M4 at people in MEC/China jeeps bullets go through them without making any damage.

51) Defibrillator should have shorter range. Medic should crouch next to wounded guy to help him.

52) Planes and choppers are crashing when they hit parachute.

53) When player is lying on a building and looks downwards it looks like he is looking forward. You should crouch to look down when being on edge of building etc.

54) Medic heals himself when he is in a vehicle.

55) Sometimes artillery doesn?t do any damage even when it hits near the target.

56) Medic should be able to revive other player only after he calls for medic.

57) Claymores should be destroyable with grenades

5Cool Player should be able to change squad when he is dead but after that game should add time to respawn, maybe 10s.

59) Players should be able to write in chat in pause mode.

60) Alternative server browsers like All Seeing Eye should work without any problems.

61) Vehicle moving from the respawn place should push away other players, not kill them.

62) Server information menu in game is always showing standard port.

63) Commander can use his menu even when he is dead. He just opens squads' menu and clicks right mouse button few times on the map.

64) Smoke grenades should works longer and be more effective.

65) Assault should have two smoke grenades.

66) Sometimes game identifies us as Privates although we have higher rank.

Was für ein spiel sag ich da nur :blink:

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67) "silly players - stay away tool" do not work - still there are players joining a server to push stats or just to look for / use bugs and glitches instead of helping their team to win the battle. :blink:

:P:rofl: :zwinker:

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ja das muss her ein fix für dumme spieler die schamloss die bugs von bf2 ausnutzen.

gute idee. :rofl:

mench wo wären wir ohne die polen. :super:

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Ich hab bis jetzt keine Probleme mit der 1.3 . Keine Vehicledrops auf Flugfeldern etz

Keine wo hier einige immer zocken. Es sollte mal lieber sone art Schutzschild über den Trägern gesetzt werden damit nicht jeder vollnoob die arti da reinfeuert

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Ne liegt nicht daran!!!Hilft auch nichts!!

Also bei mir gings.

Naja is ja auch nen Bug. :D


17) Jeep drop should work like supply drop. It shouldn’t drop exactly in pointed place.

Sorry aber dieser VD sollte komplett wieder raus.Hat bisher nur Ärger gebracht.

18)Cool Planes shouldn’t be able to slow down so much, that they are able to shoot down helicopters with gun only and then fly away using boost. They should fall down and crash.

Öhm???? Übungssache

21) Jeeps shouldn't be allowed to be dropped on buildings, etc.

:blink: Achje. Und nun auch noch Flickschusterei. Wech mit dem .......

22) AK guns should be less accurate. Often they win fight on long distance with M16 and on short they overpower it with better damage and auto mode.

Genau alle AK`ler sind Buguser. :yiiiiha:

36) J10 maneuverability should be decreased or AA rockets should be much more effective against it.

37) F15 maneuverability should be increased.

3Cool AA rockets should be a bit more effective against F18.

39) Plane cannons should be more effective against other planes.

40) Planes can destroy AA turrets before they are in their sight. They shouldn’t be able to attack so precisely before they see their target.

Jop die Flugiteilbalance ist immernoch fürn A.....

Naja eine reine Bugliste ohne die "balance propositions" fänd ich besser.

Aber ansonsten es gibt viel zu tun lassen wir sein.



Bearbeitet von Handwerker
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4) Type 85 can shot only in auto mode.

Das war schon immer so und mitnichten ein Bug.

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wehe die neuste nachischt mit der neuen karte und der neuen versions bezeichnung ist ein weiterer booster pack. und keine neue karte als entschädigung für ctd, das man die server nicht mehr aktualiesieren kan und weitere bugs die durch dennn neuen patch dazu gekommen sind.

ciao´ :ph34r:

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