News Battlefield Vietnam Galactic Defense: großes Update

Galactic Defense: großes Update

Galactic Defense: großes Update
von [AvT]Chris 26.07.2004 6 Kommentare

Innerhalb kürzester Zeit veröffentlicht nun die Galactic Defense Mod ein weiteres großes Update:

Ok its that time again for GD to you give our fans a nice update. First off we got a new very talented member by the name of D1g1tal Plasma X

We still need 1 VERY dedicated coder that can do it all. Please Apply if you like Starcraft and our progress!

Ok to the screens.

First off since the old wraith skin sucked, Here is our new once by Orca Fighter D

Next up we have a pretty neet wallpaper don't by blu for all you die hard fans.

Next up we got a few more statics which are a giant complex building, and a very cool starport for all you chopper whores to hide in while you wait for that respawn.

Almost there now we have some shots of a map ive been working on by the name of GD_WasteLands.

And heres what ive been hiding from you guys, The very cool very sexy Terren Marine, Hats off to D1g1tal Plasma X.


26.07.2004 16:07 freaky
das is mir scheiiss egal, die sollen es rausbringen, damit ich es elber spielen kann, verdammt ^^ ;)
26.07.2004 16:38 Seborider
ich will lieber 1. 1 ;P
26.07.2004 18:38 der nachbar
wasn das??
26.07.2004 19:05 Noob-Elite
Erinnert mich stark an Star Craft ^^
27.07.2004 01:02 =aLBERT=Einstein
erlich aber wahr : gefällt mir nicht !
schon gar nicht die player models! sehn aus wie bei ut :D
27.07.2004 16:18 chrisb 007
Naja Ut is doof. Solange es kein unreales Rumgehüpfe , halbwegs reale Hitpoints gibt solls mir recht sein.