News Battlefield Vietnam BushWar: Promo Video zur v0.3

BushWar: Promo Video zur v0.3

BushWar: Promo Video zur v0.3
von [AvT]Chris 17.09.2004 1 Kommentar

Die BushWar Mod hat ein Promo Video zu ihrer v0.3 erstellt. Dieses Video gibt es einmal in Low-Quality (10,6 MB) und in High-Quality (32,6 MB)

Zitat: One of our beta testers, tha_rooster, has just made a movie using the 0.3 Beta. 0.3 Release is essentially the same as the one used for filming, and we should have that to you within a week.

Downloads: LOW (10.6 MB) - Mirror #1 LOW (10.6 MB) - Mirror #2 LOW (10.6 MB) - Mirror #3

HIGH (32.6 MB) - Mirror #1 HIGH (32.6 MB) - Mirror #2 HIGH (32.6 MB) - Mirror #3

17.09.2004 09:14 Necro
avi videos funzen bei mir nicht. . . fangen an und bleiben irgendwo stecken -. -