News Battlefield 2 Battlefield Apocalypse Update

Battlefield Apocalypse Update

Battlefield Apocalypse Update
von CloneCommander 28.05.2005 8 Kommentare

Das Team von Battlefield Apocalypse teilt mit, dass sie nach neun Monaten "durchmodden" eine Pause brauchten und die Mod deshalb auch etwas ins Stocken geriet. Jetzt geht es aber wieder weiter, und somit gibt es im aktuellen Update zwei Bilder von Fensterscheiben (WiP) für die Kirche, unkeskinnte Renders von zerstörten Gebäuden und die Information, dass in den kommenden Wochen "apokalyptische Fahrzeuge" folgen werden.

Originaltext: Many of us have been taking some much needed time off. Nine months of solid modding has left many of us needing some relaxation time. A few of us have just caught our second wind so-to-speak are are going to be putting out some nice Apocalyptic Vehicles in the weeks to come, but for now, since things have been slow during our relaxing times, I have some damaged building models that are WIP and a couple of pictures of a church's stained-glass windows (produced by LoU-Cipher) that will be Alpha Channeled in game.

EDIT: There seems to be question as to how these stained-glass windows came to be in a church, since one shows a devil seducing a wench. First off, stained-glass windows are handmade, requiring very little equipment to make. Second, these pieces were put back in the empty windows of the church (it's been 50 years since the Apocalypse and new religions have formed).

Zusätzlich wurde noch folgender Artikel veröffentlicht: For the last several months, I?ve been so absorbed with working on BF:A, that I?ve hardly played any games at all. All the time that I previously spent playing was redirected into the mod. And that was primarily because it?s so damn fun to do!

But last weekend, some of my friends finally coerced me into trying out Guild Wars, and I immediately got hooked. I?ve never played an MMO game, primarily because I wasn?t willing to commit the kind of time needed or the money for subscription fees. Since GW doesn?t require any fees, I figured what the hell?I?ll give it a try.

It?s been really good to play a game again. I love working on the mod, and I wouldn?t trade the experience for anything. But playing a fun, absorbing game reminds me of why I became a part of BF:A in the first place. It?s about creating something that people enjoy. I?ve said before that our goal is to make a game that we would enjoy playing, with the hope that other people will enjoy it, too.

Obviously, a fantasy RPG and the Battlefield games are worlds apart, but nonetheless, I see similarities in them that explain their appeal to me. Part of what makes GW so fun is the teamwork aspect. It takes a diverse group of skills and a good strategy to really succeed in GW. Same thing in BF2 and, of course, BF:A. I love games that involve teamwork and strategy. That's what hooked me the first time I played BF1942.

Another big appeal to GW is the beauty and detail of the game world. It helps pull you into the game. Our goal with BF:A is to create distinct, unique environments that will do the same thing, draw you into the game world. I want to make settings that are so interesting, you feel compelled to load up one of our maps alone just so you can run around and look at all the cool stuff without worrying about getting shot.

I?ve been so focused on the mod that it?s good to step back, relax, and have some fun. It?s been a great release. I can?t help but wonder?do the guys at DICE and EA and other studios ever get the time to do that? Do they get a chance to play a fun game ? something other than what they?re working on? Do they get the opportunity to remind themselves why they do what they do? Man, I hope so. In my honest opinion, I think it can only make their games better.


28.05.2005 13:27 Bodentrupp
also irgendwie sehen die löcher an den häusern so "rausgescghnitten"... aus, also so künstlich, aber sonst ganz ok
28.05.2005 14:15 Kiwi ( NZ )
Hab ich schon woanders geschrieben.
Die Bleigläser sind der Hammer.
29.05.2005 01:11 Shadow_Blazer
Tolle Render Pics

Wird voll geil :)

Ps: ist das für BF 2 ?

MfG Shadow
29.05.2005 02:15 funakistyle
29.05.2005 02:53 Creep
@ Bodentrupp

das stimmt sieht wirklich irgend wie rausgeschnitten aus denn noch find ich es nicht schlecht... kenn mich aus mit 3d max und so ein kram sag nur das ist nicht schlecht *g*

ich glaub wenn man weiss wie schwer so etwas sein kann sieht man es mit anderen augen 0(°.°)0
29.05.2005 15:12 Masterofwildnis
außerdem sind das doch WIP bilder, das wird schon noch ;)
02.06.2005 23:38 Necro
02.06.2005 23:38 Necro