News Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons Map Preview

Secret Weapons Map Preview

Secret Weapons Map Preview
von MiG 15.08.2003 5 Kommentare

Seit gestern gibt es bei dem Online-Gaming-Magazin ein sehr interessantes Preview zum zweiten BF1942 Expansion Pack Secret Weapons of World War II. Das Preview behandelt hauptsächlich die acht Maps, die mit dem neuen Addon hinzukommen werden.


Eagles Nest Map: The Eagles Nest was the last bastion of the German High Command. From this mountain top retreat, the Germans would launch a final counter attack if the war were to turn against them. Your team will win if your opponents tickets reach zero. The U.S. can reduce the German tickets by destroying a safe containing military secrets and a heavily fortified door that leads to a loading bay. The Germans can reduce the U.S. tickets gradually be defending and maintaining the objectives.

Essen Map: Essen is the site of a major weapons production facility. The Allied Forces are planning a major bombing campaign to destroy the factory. A team can win by reducing the oppositions tickets to zero. The British can reduce the German tickets quickly by destroying the fuel silos, inside the factory. The Germans can reduce the British tickets gradually by defending and maintaining the fuel silos.

Hellendoorn Map: Hellendoorn was the primary launch site for the V2 Rocket. Four rockets have been set on the launch pads, aimed for Britain. A team can win be reducing the oppositions tickets to zero. The British can reduce the German tickets quickly by destroying the V2 rockets. The Germans can reduce the British tickets gradually by defending and maintaining the V2 rockets.

Kbely Airfield Map: The Germans are housing secret technology, reportedly an alien spacecraft, inside a hangar on the Kbely airbase. A team can win by reducing the oppositions tickets to zero. The British can reduce the German tickets quickly by destroying the secret aircraft. The Germans can reduce the British tickets gradually be defending and maintaining the secret aircraft.

Mimoyecques Map: The Germans have almost finished a V3 rocket site on the French coast near Mimoyecques, a perfect location from which to bomb Britain. The V3 complex must be destroyed by the U.S. before it becomes operational. A team can win by reducing the oppositions tickets to zero. The U.S. can reduce the German tickets quickly by dropping explosives into the V3 air vents. The Germans can reduce the U.S. tickets gradually by defending and maintaining the V3 air vents.

Telemark Research Base Map: The Telemark Facility housed several generators, used in their top secret research of heavy water. A team can win by reducing the oppositions tickets to zero. The British can reduce the German tickets quickly by destroying the generators inside the facility. The Germans can reduce the British tickets gradually by defending and maintaining the generators.

Peenemunde Map: Peenemunde was used by the Germans for cutting edge missile research. Your team will win if your opponents tickets reach zero. Your opponents tickets will gradually reduce if you hold three control points.

Gothic Line Map: The Gothic Line was a part of Germanys defesnse against the Allied surge towards Berlin. Your team will win if your opponents tickets reach zero. Each team can reduce the other teams tickets gradually by controlling a majority of the control points.


15.08.2003 07:39 DeLiRiUm
Die Maps sehen ja nicht sehr brauchbar aus. Mal abwarten.
15.08.2003 09:29 Gast
sehen aber zum rocken aus mit dem JETPACK
15.08.2003 10:59 Gast
egal haupsache was zum zoggen
15.08.2003 12:13 Gast
Wenn sie auch so langweilig werden wie Hellendoorn dann ist das Addon zum wegwerfen
16.08.2003 15:12 kurupt
sag ich schon die ganze zeit en mod team hätte alles noch besser und vor allem liebevoller gemacht----- der preis von 24 euro ist auf keinen fall gerechtfertigt