News Battlefield 1942 Road to Rome: SP Preview

Road to Rome: SP Preview

Road to Rome: SP Preview
von MiG 07.01.2003 0 Kommentare

Auf der Webseite des englisch-sprachigen Online-Spielemagazins gibt es nun ein Preview zum Road to Rome Addon für Battlefield 1942. Die Jungs testeten dafür das Addon im Singelplayer Modus. Das Preview, welches reich mit Screenshots bestückt ist, vermittelt viele interessante Informationen zum kommenden erweiterungs Pack Road to Rome.

So far though, it's the maps in Road to Rome that have really, really stood out.

While we can't ascertain how the new levels will pan out in multiplayer at this time, our singleplayer experience suggests that each has been painstakingly crafted to provide good balance. Terrain features have been improved and textures appear updated, and there's a greater sense of authenticity as teams' foot soldiers, tanks, jeeps, fighter planes, bombers and more attempt to blast each other to smithereens.

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