News Battlefield 1942 BF42 Heightmap Editor Beta 4

BF42 Heightmap Editor Beta 4

BF42 Heightmap Editor Beta 4
von MiG 14.01.2003 3 Kommentare

MadBull veröffentlichte vor kurzem im englischen Forum, dass er nun die 4. Beta Version seines überaus hilfreichen Heightmap Editors fertiggestellt hat. Mit der 4. Version werden sehr viele Bugs gefixt. Eine komplette Liste aller Änderungen ist aber auch vorhanden.


  • Fix for display adapters that do not support large vertex buffers (This was the cause of long rectangle of overlapping terrain and other problems)
  • Added new toolbar to hopefully make some features easier to access
  • New Control Set (Look at the controls section of the readme.txt for more information)
  • Added "help->Adapter Information" to help debug future problems with 3D rendering
  • Added an improved method of updating vertex buffer on terrain changes (highly improved performance while editing terrain, especially on large terrains)
  • Moved IO functionality into seperate area to improve code reusability
  • Added new on-screen-display stats for framerate, position, and tool which can be enabled or disabled
  • While in "wireframe" or "point" mode, only the area around you is rendered in that mode while the rest of the terrain is rendered in solid mode
  • Added ability to undo last 20 changes to terrain
  • While loading a map, the program attempts to guess the size of the map, but still prompts (with the guess as the default option)
  • Fractal Terrain Generation added!
  • Status bar replaced with new status bar that shows the status of the editor
  • Zum Download
  • Zu MadBulls Seite
  • Zum Diskusions Thread
  • Kommentare
    13.12.2005 21:56 Necro
    15.12.2005 20:39 Ceanic
    07.01.2006 20:19 Necro