News Battlefield 1942 Community Update 4/18/03

Community Update 4/18/03

Community Update 4/18/03
von MiG 19.04.2003 2 Kommentare

EAComMike hat auf der offiziellen Webseite zu Battlefield 1942 das zwanzigste Community Update veröffentlicht. Die neue Mitteilungen gibt einige sehr aufschlussreiche Informationen zum kommenden Patch 1.4. Der Patch 1.4 wird voraussichtlich einige Bugfixes, den schon lange versprochenen offiziellen Linux Server und ein paar weitere Features beinhalten. Des Weiteren gibt es neue Details zu dem Fahzeug Horten Ho 229 aus dem angekündigten Expension Set Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons.


We wanted to take a moment and bring everyone up to speed on the next Battlefield 1942 patch, 1.4. With this patch, we're working on features and fixes that will address gameplay and performance issues. We're working hard on the patch, and as usual, we will not report a release date until we are 100% certain we can hit it.

  • Fixes and Features in 1.4 include: Tank Repair exploit - tanks will no longer be able to repair in the airplane hanger.
  • Improved voting GUI - the voting interface has been improved.
  • Cheats - we will be implementing features which address many of the cheats currently being seen in BF1942 games.
  • Linux Server.
  • Two new guns being added: The DP 1928 - Japanese Assault rifle and the Type 99 - Russian Assault rifle. A note on cheating and exploits -- we've all seen how cheating can destroy the gameplay experience for everyone. EA and DICE take cheating seriously and we are taking an aggressive stance in preventing exploits which allow people to cheat. The biggest source of all BF cheats and exploits are client-side modifications. With the release of patch 1.4, we are disabling all client-side mods. Unfortunately, this means that the client side mods that aren't used for cheating will also be affected. DICE and EA have spent the past few months trying to engineer a solution which allows client-side mods to work while stopping the cheats. Ultimately it proved impossible to do so in such a way that prevented future client side mods from opening up new methods of cheating and exploitation. However, this doesn't mean that all mods are unusable. By making the mods into full server-side mods (Desert Combat for example), everyone can experience the cool factor that these mods offer. ## Bilder
  • Kommentare
    19.04.2003 03:48 Daywalker
    Man darf wieder mal gespannt sein!!
    20.04.2003 12:20 Gast
    Mit dem Patch 1. 4 werden keine Merciless Addons, Customskins, Sounds, Bloodpatches mehr funzen (weil sie meinen das ist der beste Weg das cheaten zu unterbinden). Also für mich als Liebhaber von Customskins verliert Battlefield mit seinen SCH. . . STANDARDSKINS total den reiz und ich werde mich wieder DOD widmen.
    Natürlich können wir den Patch boykotieren und alle sollten sich in diese
    http://www. petitiononline. com/bf42mods/petition. html
    Petition eintragen.