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Insurrection 1776 v0.25 erschienen

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...die neueste version von insurrection 1776 ist erschienen... :)

...dabei handelt es sich um keinen patch sondern um eine full, d.h. die alte version von insurrection muss deinstalliert/gelöscht werden...

v0.25 behebt einige bugfixes, hier eine liste der changes:

*Cannons all rescripted and fully operational now. (Soldiers manning cannons can be shot as well as collision all redone on cannons/mortar)

*Weapons all heavily adjusted to make up for lag and create much better online play. Many have been rescripted in how they aim and damage dealt too.

*Lines have been rescripted a bit and should be playable on or offline, and bots should also use them better now.

*The_Indomitable now supports bots, however Push will not in this release.

*Collision on fort pieces all adjusted

*Knife does more damage

*More Statics and maps to come soon in a Map Update

*Plenty of other things behind the scenes to reduce file size and crash to desktop should be fixed now.

*Using a different Installer for 0.25 (Should be easier to use and shortcut works now)

full client v0.25

full server v0.25


cool danke für die info, es wurd ja anscheinend alles verbessert was in version 0.2 unheimlich gestört hat :)

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