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jo hallo zusamm!!

komm direckt zur sache!

bei meinem bf42 und zwar nur bei dc hab ich ein schweren grafikfehle. die ganze landschaft ist nur schwarz ales ist schwarz die hauser die baume usw.. erkenn die umrandungen aber mehr nicht!

der fehler trettet nur bei dc maps auf die standart maps sind ganz normal!

der fehler hatte am anfang nur paar maps beschädigt jetzt sind alle futsch.

hab mir auch schon ein neues dc 0.7 besorgt und das alte entvernt dann war der fehler noch schlimmer da waren auch die fahrzeuge schwarz!

kann mir einer helfen??

pc: 9600radeon , 2,8 amd, 1024arbeitspeicher und en asus a7v600-x board!

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Kriegst du einen Screenshot hin !! Für mich hört sich das an als ob du dir da irgendwas zerschossen hast.

Ich würde dir zu einer kompletten neuinstallation raten. Und lösch am besten den Mod Ordner auch weil wohl dort der Fehler sitzen könnte.

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so sieht der spass aus aber nur bei dc!!

neuinstal hab ich gemacht sogar ein neuse desercombat gesaugt und das alte weg geschmissen!!

ps.: was ich noch nicht versucht hab ist das updat neu zu saugen battlefield_1942_patch_v1.6.19 werd es direckt mal besorgen!!

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so sieht der spass aus aber nur bei dc!!

neuinstal hab ich gemacht sogar ein neuse desercombat gesaugt und das alte weg geschmissen!!

ps.: was ich noch nicht versucht hab ist das updat neu zu saugen battlefield_1942_patch_v1.6.19 werd es direckt mal besorgen!!

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ps.: was ich noch nicht versucht hab ist das updat neu zu saugen battlefield_1942_patch_v1.6.19 werd es direckt mal besorgen!!

Der 1.61ser ist da relativ uninteressant. Der behebt "nur"eine Sicherheitslücke im Spiel. Wenn du den Patch neuziehst dann den 1.6ser.

Ich denke aber ehr das das was Daywalker sagt hinkommt. Allerdings sucht sich der DC Installer im allgemeinen den richtigen Installationpfad. :huh: Zumindestens bei mir.

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is alles an der richtigen stehle!!

hab mich mal einwenig durch gedrückt beim bf ordner!

fand ne "desertCombat konfigurationseinstellungen datei"

draufgekligt und ne mege errors waren drin jetzt weiss ich nicht ob dass mit dem fahl zu tuhn hat oder nicht kann mal die errors mal posten!!

ERR_FILENOTFOUND=Please make sure your disk is in the drive!\n\nThe following file cannot be found:

ERR_OPEN_INPUT=Could not open input file

ERR_OPEN_OUTPUT=Could not open output file

ERR_FILE_READ=Error reading from file

ERR_FILE_WRITE=Error writing to file

ERR_COPY_GENERAL=A general I/O error occured during file copy.


MSG_ERR_DOWNLOADING=Error downloading file.

MSG_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=The specified file was not found.

MSG_ERR_EXTRACTING=Error extracting file.

MSG_ERR_EXECUTE=Error executing file.

MSG_ERR_OPENING_FILE=Error opening file.

MSG_ERR_CLOSEPROGRAM=Failed to close program.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_HOSTNAME_FORMAT=Improper hostname format.


MSG_ERR_CONNECT_GENERAL=Connection failed.

MSG_ERR_NORESPONSE_SERVER=No response from server.

MSG_ERR_NEGRESPONSE_SERVER=Negative response received from server.



MSG_ERR_UNKNOWN=Unknown error.

MSG_ERR_REQUEST_DENIED_SERVER=Request denied by server.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_TYPE=An invalid type has been specified.

MSG_ERR_NOOPEN_DATAPORT=Data port could not be opened.

MSG_ERR_PORT_FAILED=PORT command failed.

MSG_ERR_RETR_FAILED=RETR command failed.

MSG_ERR_CONN_TERMINATED=Connection terminated before operation complete.

MSG_ERR_FILE_VERIFICATION=Failed file verification.

MSG_ERR_FILE_SIZE=File size is incorrect.

MSG_ERR_FILE_CRC=File CRC is incorrect.

MSG_ERR_WEB_DOWNLOAD=Failed to download file from Web.

MSG_ERR_NOCONNECT_SERVER_PROXY=Unable to connect to server or proxy server.

MSG_ERR_NOCONNECT=Could not connect to the Internet.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_URL=Invalid URL supplied.

MSG_ERR_OPERATION_TERMINATED=Operation terminated before completion.

MSG_ERR_UNABLE_OPENDATASOURCE=Unable to open specified data source.

MSG_ERR_TIMEOUT=Timeout occurred.

MSG_ERR_SOCKET_RECEIVE=Socket receive error occurred.

MSG_ERR_DATASOURCE_WRITE=Data source write error.



MSG_ERR_SETPORT=Failed to set port.

MSG_ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND=The specified path was not found.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_EXE=The .exe file is invalid.

MSG_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_OS=The operating system denied access to the specified file.

MSG_ERR_INCOMP_FILE_ASSOC=The file name association is incomplete or invalid.

MSG_ERR_DDE_INUSE=The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.

MSG_ERR_DDE_FAILED=The DDE transaction failed.

MSG_ERR_DDE_TIMEOUT=The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.

MSG_ERR_DLL_NOT_FOUND=The specified dynamic-link library was not found.

MSG_ERR_NO_ASSOC=There is no application associated with the given file name extension.

MSG_ERR_NO_MEMORY=There was not enough memory to complete the operation.

MSG_ERR_SHARE_VIOLATION=A sharing violation occurred.

MSG_ERR_ZIP_FILE=Failed to extract zip file.

MSG_ERR_EXTRACT_STAGE=Extract stage failed.

MSG_ERR_CREATE_DIR=Could not create directory.

MSG_ERR_REGISTRY_MODIFY=Could not modify the Registry.

MSG_ERR_INIFILE_MODIFY=Could not modify INI file.

MSG_ERR_REGISTRY_READ=Could not read from the Registry.

MSG_ERR_NO_OPEN_KEY=Could not open key.

MSG_ERR_READ_VALUE=Could not read value.

MSG_ERR_INI_READ=Could not read from INI file.

MSG_ERR_CREATE_KEY=Could not create key.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_KEY=Could not delete key.

MSG_ERR_SET_VALUE=Could not set value.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_VALUE=Could not delete value.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_SECTION=Could not delete section.

MSG_ERR_MESSAGE_BOX=Could not display message box.

MSG_ERR_COPY_FILE=Could not copy file(s).

MSG_ERR_NOCOPY_ONEORMORE=One or more files could not be copied.

MSG_ERR_NOMOVE_ONEORMORE=One or more files could not be moved.

MSG_ERR_NODELETE_ONEORMORE=One or more files could not be deleted.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_FILE=Could not delete file(s).

MSG_ERR_RENAME_FILE=Could not rename file.

MSG_ERR_REMOVE_DIR=Could not remove directory.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_SOURCE=Invalid source specified.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_DESTINATION=Invalid destination specified.

MSG_ERR_DESTINATION_EXISTS=Destination already exists.

MSG_ERR_EVALUATING=Error evaluating expression.

MSG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE=Missing value. A value was expected at position %d.

MSG_ERR_MISSING_OPERATOR=Missing operator before open parenthesis. There is an operator missing before the open parenthesis at position %d.

MSG_ERR_READ_FILE_INFO=Could not read file information.

MSG_ERR_READ_CRC=Could not calculate file CRC.

MSG_ERR_READ_VER=Could not read file version.

MSG_ERR_READ_SIZE=Could not determine file size.

MSG_ERR_READ_FILE_ASSOC=Could not read file association.

MSG_ERR_FILETYPE=Invalid file type.

MSG_ERR_ENDLOOP_NF=End of loop not found.

MSG_ERR_IF=Syntax error in IF statement.

MSG_ERR_WHILE=Syntax error in WHILE statement.

MSG_ERR_GOTO=Could not GOTO label.

MSG_ERR_LABEL_NOT_FOUND=Label not found.

MLMSG_ERR_CLOSE_PROGRAM=The program "%s" must be closed for this setup to be successful.\n\nPlease close the program and click Retry to continue.


MSG_ERR_SEND_EMAIL=Failed to send email.


MSG_ERR_HELO_FAILED=HELO command was rejected or not responded to by the server.

MSG_ERR_ATTEMPT_CONNECT_FAILED=Attempt to connect to the server failed.


MSG_ERR_DATA_FAILED=DATA command failed.

MSG_ERR_SOCKET_SEND_FAILED=Socket send command failed.

MSG_ERR_GET_TEMPFILE=Get temporary file name failed.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS=Invalid parameter value(s).


MSG_ERR_MESG_TOOBIG=Message body is too big.

MSG_ERR_ATTACHMENT_ADD=Failed to add attachments to the message.

MSG_ERR_OPEN_ENCODING=Unable to open file for attachment encoding.

MSG_ERR_MOVE_FILE=Could not move file(s).

MSG_ERR_SERVER_ERRORCODE=Error code returned by server.

MSG_ERR_SUBMITTO_WEB=Submit to Web failed.

MSG_ERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE=The file is too large to be read.

MSG_ERR_READ_TEXT_FILE=Could not read text file.

MSG_ERR_WRITE_TEXT_FILE=Could not write to text file.

MSG_ERR_STOR_FAILED=STOR command failed.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_CHARS=Name contains invalid characters.

MSG_ERR_CORRUPT_FILE=Invalid or corrupt file.

MSG_ERR_CREATE_SHORTCUT=Failed to create shortcut.

MSG_ERR_SHORTCUT_SYSTEM=The shortcut could not be created by the system.

MSG_ERR_INSTALL_FILE=Failed to install file.

MSG_ERR_INVALID_FONTNAME=Invalid font name specified.

MSG_ERR_ADDFONT_FONTTABLE=Failed to add font to system font table.

MSG_ERR_ADDFONT_REGISTRY=Failed to add font to registry.

MSG_ERR_REGISTER_FONT=Failed to register font.

MSG_ERR_SET_FILEATTRIB=Failed to set file attributes.

MSG_ERR_STOP_SERVICE=Failed to stop service.

MSG_ERR_START_SERVICE=Failed to start service.

MSG_ERR_PAUSE_SERVICE=Failed to pause service.

MSG_ERR_ITERATE_SERVICES=Iterate services failed.

MSG_ERR_QUERY_SERVICES=Query service failed.

MSG_ERR_QUERY_SERVICE=Failed to query service.



MSG_ERR_CONTINUE_SERVICE=Failed to continue service.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_SERVICE=Failed to delete service.

MSG_ERR_CREATE_SERVICE=Failed to create service.

MSG_ERR_MOVE_REBOOT=Move file on reboot failed.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_REBOOT=Delete file on reboot failed.

MSG_ERR_RUN_REBOOT=Run file on reboot failed.

MSG_ERR_COUNT_TEXT_LINES=Failed to count text lines.

MSG_ERR_DELETE_TEXT_LINES=Failed to delete text line.

MSG_ERR_LINE_OUT_OF_RANGE=Line number is out of range.


MSG_ERR_FIND_TEXT_LINE=Failed to find text line.

MSG_ERR_GET_TEXT_LINE=Failed to get text line.

MSG_ERR_INSERT_TEXT_LINE=Failed to insert text line.

MSG_ERR_CALL_DLL=Failed to call DLL function.


MSG_ERR_FAILED_FIND_FUNCTION=Could not find function.

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