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Das aus für BlackBagOps Serverman. und Remotetool

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Schwerer Schlag für Serverbetreiber!

Black Bag Operations stellt das programmieren des "Battlefield Server Managers" und des "Battlefield Remote Manager" ein. Ab sofot gibt es keine neuen Versionen, Updates oder weitere Tools der am meisten eingesetzten Serversoftware für Battlefield. Das wird auch bei uns wieder grundlegende Änderungen mit sich führen, spätestens mit der Version 1.5 von Battlefield wird mit dem BFSM und dem BFRM ende sein:

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to let you all know about what is happening here at BBO and about the future of my BF1942 utility software.

As many of you who have been following BFSM from the start might know, I started this project as a hobby programming exercise born out of a frustration with the official tools that I know many of you shared.

I have been working on Battlefield 1942 Server Manager for just under a year now (since 28 Oct 2002) and supporting BF1942 server admins via my website, forums, email, and IM. I have done this willingly and voluntarily out of my love for the game.

I have helped many people during that time. I even received an email from an EA tech support staff member thanking me for making his job easier. I have also been told by a server admin that EA tech support staff refer callers to Black Bag Operations for BF1942 server technical support!

BFSM has developed quite a bit since the beginning and maintaining and developing the utils could easily be a full-time job now. I have reached the point where it's more like work than fun to maintain them now so I recently approached DICE with two options for the future of this software;

1. DICE purchases the software from me and maintains and develops it.

2. DICE employs me to maintain and develop the software.

At first DICE were enthusiastic but eventually they declined option #1 saying;

"It's for me and DICE not a matter of money really but to be able to do your tool justice by having the resources available to spend time on improving it and keep it a valid tool for the community. I really wish this to be the case but I'm very sorry to have to say I will not be able to give you a positive response to your suggestions. Reason to that simply being not having the appropriate resoures with the right focus to take on this task as well."

Despite saying "money is no object" in response to my first suggestion they answered the second by saying;

"I'm sorry to say that I have not found a good way sponsoring you finansially and will not be able to help you out with that."

I have also learned recently that DICE/EA have developed a utility they call "BF1942 Remote Manager 1.0" which is not much different from my BFRM v1.4 tool.

The official tool, like my BFRM v1.4 util, only offers the limited functionality available via BF's Remote Console function. It does not offer the advanced management features of BFRM v1.4 or v2.0.

One can only wonder how DICE/EA doesn't have enough resources to maintain an existing utility but does have sufficient resources to develop a new one from scratch.

So given that;

1. I am no longer have the time, energy or will to maintain these utilities myself voluntarily anymore

2. DICE/EA is not willing to maintain them or employ me to maintain them

3. DICE/EA is ripping off my utils in preference to supporting them

I have decided to terminate development of my BF1942 server management utilities.

There will be no more bugfixing, no new features and no new releases. The current beta release will remain available at BBO and I will continue to support BFSM users. Please do not email me asking for the source code.

There is much more I could achieve with this software but if you want to see it continue to be maintained and developed then you, the community, have to convince DICE/EA to commit the resources necessary to do this on a commercial basis.

You can demonstrate this desire by posting your support here and by emailing Tobias Andersson, Studio Manager DICE Stockholm, at Tobias.Andersson@dice.se. Please keep your emails positive and constructive.

In closing, I believe that I have given more than my fair share to the BF1942 community. It has been a fun project and I don't want to throw you all to the wolves now but there comes a point when I have to draw the line on generosity.

I hope you can understand and accept my position.


Kevin "Kevlar" Lockitt

Black Bag Operations

11 Oct 2003

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