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ATI Catalyst 4.4 released

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ATI Catalyst 4.4 W2K / XP

Fixed in this driver:

Connecting a secondary CRT and enabling VPU Recover no longer results in the operating system failing to restore itself

The new rotation implementation no longer fails to update the desktop when doing a mode set on exit

Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp and switching the DVI connector for HDTV to 480i no longer results in the HDTV device not working within the ATI Control Panel

Setting the display resolution to 1152x864 32bpp under Windows XP and playing an MPEG or AVI file using the Windows Media Player no longer results in display corruption on the TV output

Setting the display resolution to 1920x1080 on an ATI RADEON 9700 PRO when connected to a specific monitor no longer results in the image not being display

The file version and the product version information is now correct

Worms 3D no longer fails to properly play. Launching in game movies no longer results in only the sound being heard with the display being corrupted or black

Intermittent texture corruption and flashing is no longer seen when playing the game Battlefield 1942

The shadow of the characters in the game Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow are now being displayed properly

Display corruption is no longer noticed when switching between 2D and 3D modes in the game Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004

The performance of the game Tomb Raider AOD is no longer compromised when running the game at the display resolution of 1600x1200

The brightness option found in certain games is now working properly when extended desktop is enabled and both monitors are set to 1280x1024 32bpp

Configuring the game RACER version 0.50 to run at full screen, 1600x1200 32bpp, no longer results in the game failing to respond

Setting the display resolution to 1600x1200 and running the game Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy no longer results in display corruption being noticed at a specific point in the game

Display corruption is no longer seen when playing the demo version of the game Far Cry

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Hat schon jemand den Treiber angetestet - vor allem im Zusammenhang mit BF:V - ich habe Gerüchte gehört das der Treiber in BF:V einiges bringen soll ... ich sitze aber noch auf der Arbeit und kann es nicht antesten ... also ihr Schüler da draussen - laßt mal ein Statement hören ...

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danke für info, man sollte vieleicht doch irgendwann einen "aktuellen downloadthread" machen, wo alle sachen wie demos,patches,antivirenprogramme und sonstige dinge zum downloaden reinkommen. ausgenommen funstuff.

mal schauen was der treiber bewirkt noch 1 min ........

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Jo, ma shn was der bringt, der vorgänga ging bei mir nit wirklich imma wenn ich BF gezockt hab bin ich aufn Desktop zurückgeflogen unn denn stand da was vonwegen VPU-Recoery, denn hab ich wieder den alten draufgemacht unn alles lief wieder wunderbar!Ma sehn was der jetzt bringt noch 3 min @ ~95Kb/s

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