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Elite: Dangerous

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Underdog, vor 3 Stunden:

Wobei die Preispolitik dennoch dreist ist. Erst Elite als Vollpreis kaufen, dann Horizons mit Rabatt für 40 Euro, dann später wieder einen DLC (-vermutlich erneut für ~40 Euro)....etc. Ist ja nicht so das man da ständig ein neues Spiel bekommt. :\

Man könnte auch einfach bis Season 3 warten und quasi für einen Preis 3 Seasons bekommen. Kommt halt drauf an wie geduldig man ist.

Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo
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Ja, schon...aber so wirklich Kundenfreundlich ist das irgendwie nicht.
Niemand hat was gegen kostenpflichtige DLC, aber wenn man dafür jedes mal das Hauptspiel mit kaufen muss kommen sich potenzielle Kunden einfach verarscht vor. Ich hätte Elite ja eigentlich schon längst gekauft, aber solche Geschäftsgebaren will ich im Grunde dann doch nicht unterstützen und wie gesagt käme ich mir ein Stück weit veralbert vor.

Sowas muss doch nicht sein, immerhin steht Elite ziemlich konkurrenzlos da und ich bin sicher das es viel mehr Käufer geben würde wenn man das Geschäftsmodell ändern würde. Naja, mal abwarten.

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Underdog, vor 9 Minuten:

immerhin steht Elite ziemlich konkurrenzlos da

naja konkurrenzlos bis Star Citizen rauskommt :P

Bearbeitet von Master AP
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Master AP, vor 16 Minuten:

naja konkurrenzlos bis Star Citizen rauskommt :P

Krockeschinski, vor 13 Minuten:

Also Steht Elite die nächsten 3 Jahre konkurrenzlos da.





Bearbeitet von Underdog
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Das mit den gefundenen Aliens und ähnliches lasse ich mal weg. Kann ja jeder selbst im Forum oder Fanseiten nachlesen ... ;)


Interessante und längst überfällige Änderungen im Vertrieb!


Elite Dangerous Store And Product Info

4. Februar - BrettC_Frontier
As seen from https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=230150

Greetings Commanders,

We wanted to get in touch to let you know about a few changes that we will be making tomorrow and bring you into the conversation with a little bit of early information.

Since the launch of Elite Dangerous Horizons we have had an incredible response from Commanders in the game. The number of amazing videos, screenshots, player events, CG’s and missions have truly taken our breath away. We are so delighted with the way that the community have taken to the game and we’re super excited for the future releases coming to Horizons throughout the season.

The Elite Dangerous community is truly the most incredible group of players we could possibly ask for. We value the thoughts and feedback from our community and we’re always looking at how we can take that feedback on board. This is why we wanted to give you these details ahead of time and be as upfront and clear of the details as possible. We are all a part of the long term development of the game and we’re delighted to be on this voyage together.

Since its launch we have heard some players say they feel confused by Elite Dangerous Horizons and how the purchasing and upgrading of the game works. Thanks to this feedback we are going to changing the way that it appears in the store and on steam.

To reduce confusion, Horizons will be added as a season pass DLC for Elite Dangerous, rather than an individual product. It’s a relatively small change but it means that on steam and on our store there will now be three options
  • Elite Dangerous
  • Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass
  • Elite Dangerous: Deluxe Edition

The deluxe bundle will include the base game, Horizons season pass DLC and some digital goods.

This will be beneficial in a few ways. First of all it will unite the steam community. This means that we will only have 1 community hub. This is something players have asked for and we’re happy to listen. It also means that the products are clearer for people to understand, reducing confusion, which can only be a good thing!

However, this does mean that Steam Horizons players will have the Horizons portion of their steam game time counter wiped as it moves back to 1 hub (the in-game counter will still work). Nothing will be effected in game but we wanted players to understand the changes and impact fully.

In addition to these there are a couple of other changes we will be making at the same time. The base price of the Horizons season pass DLC will be £25 (or equivalent in other currencies) and will not include access to Elite Dangerous, this must be purchased separately. It will still include the entire season of content coming in Horizons. This means that the current loyalty discount to Elite Dangerous: Horizons will no longer exist as all existing players will be able to upgrade directly to the Horizons season pass.

Finally, by way of a special thank you to everyone who has already bought Horizons before these changes are made, we are giving you an unreleased Asp Explorer gold paint job. And don’t forget, you still have access to the Cobra Mk IV, and this will apply to all players that buy before the changes go live tomorrow – new players that get the new deal will not get it.

Here’s a look at the wonderful golden Asp which will be coming to all existing Horizons players, and those that buy before tomorrow. :)


Once again, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your incredible continued support and for joining us on this incredible journey. We’d love to get your thoughts and feedback as always so please do let us know below and we will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

Bearbeitet von Raffi_M
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Aber vorher noch schön die 50 tacken bei den ganzen Hardcore-fans abgegriffen :D

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Hi everyone,

For this week’s dev update I will talk about some of the planned changes for missions coming with 2.1 The Engineers release. There are a lot of details to cover so I’ll go through the high level goals and the details for the first of the goals and cover the remaining details over the coming weeks. I’ll also provide more details on the other features over that time as well.

Missions are a key component of the game and we reviewed how we can make them more meaningful for gameplay, in particular how the player interacts with them and their effects on the galactic simulation. With our review we identified five key goals that we’re tackling for 2.1 The Engineers:

- Personalisation

- Progression

- Variety

- Consequences

- Rewards

Personalisation is about reflecting the player’s presence in the world and providing persistence for their activities. We’ve already mention that mission givers will be getting faces for 2.1 The Engineers update and this forms a part of the core of this personalisation. The mission contacts will become the faces of the minor factions you deal with for mission and this will be accompanied by a new layout for the mission board to group things more effectively for dealing with the minor faction.

The new mission presentation puts these NPC characters to the forefront of missions. They are unique and have their own faces, names and status within their organisations. The type of organisation will be reflected in the tone of their communications. Their dealings with you are also influenced by your reputation with the minor faction, but also the relative differences in status between you and the character. So if you’re Elite ranked and they’re a minor flunky then they will show you the proper deference – assuming their governing organisation allows it!

Repeated dealings with a minor faction will see your own status within the minor faction improve or fall – depending on your activities. At certain points you will deal with more important members of the organisation or even sterner types if your reputation is lacking. This will also be reinforced by a new greetings message when docking to reflect your status with the station.

The mission contacts will also remember if they’ve dealt with you before. As well as providing consistency the contacts are the conduit for gaining missions and seeing the effects they have. So they will inform you if the minor faction has entered a particular state, or a state is incoming. There will also be much smarter selection of missions that tie in with the current state of affairs, there will be more details on this as part of the progression and variety goals.

As well as what is happening in local space the contacts will let you know what impact your efforts are having and so helping to communicate the galactic simulation states and trends more effectively.

As is customary with our major updates there is a swathe of fixes, tweaks and other changes. For those of you who won naming of planets and a station these will be in the 2.1 The Engineers update. We have a revised format for the options screen coming with collapsible sections for easier navigation. More huge weapons are coming and as well as the asteroid graphical fidelity improvements the star light has been fixed so that it retains its colour over distance.

I will be back next week with more details of what we have coming.




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