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For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica

Make his fight on the hill in the early day

Constant chill deep inside

Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey

On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say?

For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know

Suffered wounds test there their pride

Men of five, still alive through the raging glow

Gone insane from the pain that they surely know

For whom the bell tolls

Time marches on

For whom the bell tolls

Take a look to the sky just before you die

It is the last time you will

Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky

Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry

Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery

He hears the silence so loud

Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be

Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see

For whom the bell tolls

Time marches on

For whom the bell tolls

Bearbeitet von Kilgore
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No Leaf Clover by Metallica

And it feels right this time

On this crash course we're in the big time

Pay no mind to the distant thunder

Beauty fills his head with wonder, boy....

Says it feels right this time

Turn around, found new high lights

Good day to be alive Sir

Good day to be alive, he said.....

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just a freight train coming your way

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just the freight train coming your way

Don't it feel right like this

All the pieces fall to his wish

Suck up for that quick reward boy

Suck up for that quick reward they said.....

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just a freight train coming your way

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

is just the freight train coming your way......

It's coming your way

It's coming your way......

Here comes

Yeah, Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel

Is just a freight train coming your way.... Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah...

Then it comes to be, Yeah

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bei mir gibt es absofort Scumfu*k-Mucke

Sokodurst- baby

OXO 86 - Bombenalarm <-- :rolleyes:

Dödelheie - Radikal


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Jerry Only und Balzac

Day The Earth Caught Fire

There was life here once

The tension, the harshness of life,

Lost in the flow of time

Now comes crumbling down

The land will be covered in darkness

Premonitions of sorrow and anger, even so

Things rush on, fleeing, changing,

never facing it, straight on

To all things under creation...

Never facing it, straight on

People wander aimlessly

The great spring of life runs dry

Come face to face with a world of darkness

Now comes crumbling down

The land will be covered in darkness

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

There was life here once

The tension, the harshness of life,

Lost in the flow of time

Now comes crumbling down

The land will be covered in darkness

Premonitions of sorrow and anger, even so

Things rush on, fleeing, changing,

never facing it, straight on

To all things under creation...

Never facing it, straight on

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Woah-ooohhhhhhhhh Day the Earth Caught Fire

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