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A message from Creative Director Lars Gustavsson





Hi everyone, 

Sorry if I haven’t been very visible on the Battlefield forums lately. We’ve been busy shipping the game (and we still haven’t launched on next-gen), but I wanted to take the time to say hi to all of you out there on the Battlefield. 
Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming 
First: Let me assure you that while we don’t have the time to answer everyone on the forums, we read everything and take your feedback into consideration. Which brings me to my next topic. 
We understand that some of you are concerned over the number of crashes you are experiencing in the game. A lot of our players are having a great time in the game, but we do know that things have been rocky so far. 
Here’s the thing: We are working hard on fixing these issues, and YOU can help! By letting us know more details about how and when your issues arise, we can pinpoint these issues and eliminate them more quickly. 
Latest info always found here 
You can always find the latest info on deployed and upcoming server and game updates in this thread [battlelog.battlefield.com]. As you can see, we have already released seven server updates since launch, with more on their way, and upcoming client updates as well. 
The DICE developers will make a concentrated effort to appear more often here on the forums. We will do our best to answer your questions and point you in the right direction for information. We also wanted to highlight the great contributions you are doing to make this a constructive and relevant forum for fans and developers alike. 
Participate in the discussions and get a Battlepack 
That’s why we’ve decided to award the best fan made forum threads here on the Battlelog forums each week. We will give a way a Gold Battlepack to one original poster each week where we feel that we get constructive feedback or creative input. 
As Creative Director, I am well aware that some players are not experiencing Battlefield 4 the way it’s meant to be right now. It is our duty as developers to set things right as quickly as possible. With your help and your constructive feedback, we will make that happen more quickly. 
To kick things off, I’d like to highlight a great thread where players are discussing Mobile AA power: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065670137527671/1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] 
This is a great example of constructive feedback where it’s easy for us as developers to take the topic into consideration for the future. Thanks a lot to Battlelog user NemisizZ-DK for posting this thread. We’ll unlock a Gold Battlepack for you inside Battlefield 4. 
The road goes ever on and on 
Going forward, you’ll see me and other developers hang on the forums. But our most important job is to take your feedback that we have heard and incorporate that into the upcoming server and client updates. We and our entire community team will let you know as soon as we have new information to share on the state of the game. 
See you on the Battlefield! 
/Lars Gustavsson 
Creative Director 



Hinweis R8 https://twitter.com/Vincent0K/status/398711062830125056 denke wird noch heute oder morgen kommen.

Bearbeitet von renesweb74
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Das Battlefield 4 Server Update R8 wird veröffentlicht

Wir haben soeben das Server-Update R8 freigegeben. 
Es wird aktuell auf allen Servern verbreitet, die Änderungshinweise findet ihr weiter unten:

R8 Änderungshinweise:

• Es wurde ein Fehler korrigiert, der manche Dogtags ingame nur als leeres Dogtag ausgegeben hat, diese Dogtags werden jetzt korrekt dargestellt.
• Es wurde der Schaden der Aktivradar-Luftabwehrraketen der mobilen Luftabwehr erheblich gesenkt. Die vorherige Einstellung verursachte zu viel Schaden.
• Es wurde ein Live-Punktestand in das Battlelog integriert. Dieses zeigt euch nun den aktuellen Infos und Punktestand eines Servers an, bevor Ihr diesem beitretet, unter anderem auch die verbleibenden Ziele im Vernichtungs-Modus.
• Das Protokoll zur Serverüberwachung und Leistungsoptimierung wurde überarbeitet, sodass wir in Zukunft detailliertere Berichte zu Abstürzen erhalten und Probleme somit schneller identifizieren und beseitigen können.

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sehr gut - ich pass gleich mal meine API zum abgreifen der Onlinestats an :)

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morgen gibts ~3 stunden downtime in vorbereitung für den client patch

Maintenance downtime (All platforms)

Nov 13, we have a planned maintenance starting at 9AM UTC/1AM PST. The maintenance will last for 2-3 hours and multiplayer for Battlefield 4 will be unavailable on all platforms in increments during this window. This maintenance is done in preparation for the upcoming client patches.

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sehr gut - ich pass gleich mal meine API zum abgreifen der Onlinestats an :)


Was ist die API ? Und was muss ich da anpassen? :D

Edit: gefunden :D

Bearbeitet von Joeweat
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UPDATE #8 (Nov 12): 

Client patch (PC) 

The PC client patch for Battlefield 4 will go live in the near future and fixes a number of different issues you have helped us to identify, including a number of the most common crashes and freezes. We will get back to you with a full fix list and a specific date for this update soon. 


Hört sich nicht so an, als käme der Patch heute, morgen oder diese Woche :/

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UPDATE #8 (Nov 12): 

Client patch (PC) 

The PC client patch for Battlefield 4 will go live in the near future and fixes a number of different issues you have helped us to identify, including a number of the most common crashes and freezes. We will get back to you with a full fix list and a specific date for this update soon. 


Hört sich nicht so an, als käme der Patch heute, morgen oder diese Woche :/

"Dienstag" ist Patch Day bei DICE. Glaube nicht dass der Patch vor dem Wochenende kommt - zu *gefährlich* für DICE.

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Halling meinte das vielleicht diese Woche was kommt, hat aber dann den Tweet gelöscht.


Edit: Also spätestens nächste Woche.

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