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FH 0.5e !

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The FH Intelligence Division sends word via telegram. Here's what the it has to day.

Fellow Soldiers:

The new version 1.5 patch has been applied to numerous soldiers worldwide, many

of which have found themselves unable to wield Forgotten Hope specific vehicles and weapons. Lucky for those soldiers our intelligence division was right on time to fix these new found problems. The new 0.5E (HOTFIX) is out.

Also intelligence has pushed the Pacific Front further into the Philippine Islands. Soldiers are being deployed at this very moment. Be careful in taking the islands and be sure to work with your teammates. We are also working on new weapons of war for your use during these battles, be sure to keep a lookout for the next FH 0.6 patch which will include these new weapons of war!


@Fighting Jack: Danke :P

------>klick mich<-------

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JAAAA! Endlich kann ich wieder FH zocken! Und endlich können sich die Jungs voll und ganz auf 0.6 konzentrieren! Danke Make my Day dass du das so schnell gepostet hast bin schon am ziehn!

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