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Beiträge erstellt von oOduffyOo





    "Hi everyone,

    This week’s dev update is the penultimate update on the changes to missions coming in the (2.1) release - The Engineers. The topic I’ll cover is the variety goal and next week I’ll cover the final goals of consequences and rewards.

    Variety at its most simplistic is making sure that more missions (and variants) are available, but beyond that tweaking them to make them more accessible and having a better sense of predictability, so if you’re looking for a particular type of mission then you can determine the best places to find them.

    We’re tackling variety with a host of changes – the first is ensuring that more missions are available at the neutral reputation stage. Developing your reputation will reveal more missions, but more importantly – more valuable missions. We’re also removing the rank requirement for missions. The rank will now be an indication of difficulty (and by association, rewards) and generally will generated around your relevant Pilots Federation rank. You can take on more difficult missions to try and grasp some big rewards, but there is a risk in doing so.

    Missions will be generated by stricter criteria so that the majority of missions offered will make sense in the location that are offered. A three stage hierarchy will govern how the missions are created.

    First by the state of the minor faction, so if they are in famine, or at war, or any other state missions to address that state are generated.

    Secondly, the type of market for the port, so that they match the economic activity for that market. An obvious example is creating mining missions from extraction economies.

    The third stage is determined by the government type and this reflects the character of the minor factions and the types of operation that they indulge in. For example dictatorships are more likely to indulge in overt assassinations and so send a visible message, while democracies will conduct their wet work through covert operations.

    Within the offered mission there will be a description for why that mission has been generated and what effect it will have for the minor faction. This clearer communication of the interaction with the galactic simulation will make it easier for you to pick the relevant missions for your goals.

    We’re also looking to reduce the barrier of inconvenience for some of the mission elements – my favourite here is not having to drop out of supercruise to listen to alternate offers. The time limits for missions as well as which elements make them easier, or more difficult are being reviewed and addressed.

    Another exciting change is how missions and USSs interact with each other. USSs for missions will now generally be located at specific bodies within a system which have can be located using a discovery scanner, although the usual ranges apply. If the system has a nav beacon then these can now be scanned and the scan will reveal these mission locations as well as providing any exploration data for that system.

    In conjunction with these changes the general distribution and generation of USSs is also being updated. There are now concepts of different parts of space within a system, like traffic lanes and hubs and different contents can be generated at each. They are also created spatially rather than by time range so you can no longer just sit and wait for one to appear, you will need to look for it.

    One other significant change for USSs is that they can be scanned to reveal more information about them without having to drop out of supercruise.

    There’s still a ton of details for changes of other aspects of the game coming after next week’s look at mission consequences and rewards.





  2. Hi everyone,
    For this week’s dev update I will talk about some of the planned changes for missions coming with 2.1 The Engineers release. There are a lot of details to cover so I’ll go through the high level goals and the details for the first of the goals and cover the remaining details over the coming weeks. I’ll also provide more details on the other features over that time as well.
    Missions are a key component of the game and we reviewed how we can make them more meaningful for gameplay, in particular how the player interacts with them and their effects on the galactic simulation. With our review we identified five key goals that we’re tackling for 2.1 The Engineers:
    - Personalisation
    - Progression
    - Variety
    - Consequences
    - Rewards
    Personalisation is about reflecting the player’s presence in the world and providing persistence for their activities. We’ve already mention that mission givers will be getting faces for 2.1 The Engineers update and this forms a part of the core of this personalisation. The mission contacts will become the faces of the minor factions you deal with for mission and this will be accompanied by a new layout for the mission board to group things more effectively for dealing with the minor faction.
    The new mission presentation puts these NPC characters to the forefront of missions. They are unique and have their own faces, names and status within their organisations. The type of organisation will be reflected in the tone of their communications. Their dealings with you are also influenced by your reputation with the minor faction, but also the relative differences in status between you and the character. So if you’re Elite ranked and they’re a minor flunky then they will show you the proper deference – assuming their governing organisation allows it!
    Repeated dealings with a minor faction will see your own status within the minor faction improve or fall – depending on your activities. At certain points you will deal with more important members of the organisation or even sterner types if your reputation is lacking. This will also be reinforced by a new greetings message when docking to reflect your status with the station.
    The mission contacts will also remember if they’ve dealt with you before. As well as providing consistency the contacts are the conduit for gaining missions and seeing the effects they have. So they will inform you if the minor faction has entered a particular state, or a state is incoming. There will also be much smarter selection of missions that tie in with the current state of affairs, there will be more details on this as part of the progression and variety goals.
    As well as what is happening in local space the contacts will let you know what impact your efforts are having and so helping to communicate the galactic simulation states and trends more effectively.
    As is customary with our major updates there is a swathe of fixes, tweaks and other changes. For those of you who won naming of planets and a station these will be in the 2.1 The Engineers update. We have a revised format for the options screen coming with collapsible sections for easier navigation. More huge weapons are coming and as well as the asteroid graphical fidelity improvements the star light has been fixed so that it retains its colour over distance.
    I will be back next week with more details of what we have coming.


  3. Chuck der Norris, vor 49 Minuten:

    Das Problem ist aber auch der Zeit, dass es auch genug leute gibt, welche sich bloß Screenshots anschauen und direkt meinen zu 100% zu wissen wie das Spiel ist und funktioniert. Da hat man dann selbst, als einer des es schon angespielt hat, angeblich keine Ahnung und dann wird erstmal richtig schön das Spiel schlecht geredet.

    Ich selber stand The Division anfangs skeptisch gegenüber und dachte das es ein Spiel sein wird, was an mir komplett vorbei geht. Jetzt nach dem ich die Beta gespielt habe, muss ich sagen das ich jetzt echt Bock habe weiter zu zocken.
    Jedoch habe ich trotzdem bange davor, das sie Potential am Spiel verschenken werden. Denn dieses Spiel hat in gewisser Weise sehr viel Potential, nur leider konnte man das in der Beta nicht soweit ausnutzen.

    Da sehe ich eben genau das Problem. Es gab in der Vergangenheit schon mehrfach Beispiele für diese Crack Dealer Taktik. Der Rahmen der BETA wird halt bewusst ausgewählt um Lust auf mehr zu machen. Ob es am Ende dann auch mehr ist, kann jetzt nicht beurteilt werden. Ubisoft ja auch sein Ziel erreicht, sobald man die Full gekauft hat. Ich erinnere mich noch gut an die Sim City 5 BETA. Man konnte nur eine Stunde spielen mit der Begründung das man eben jene Phase des Spiels ausgiebig testen möchte. Diese Stunde hat auch sehr viel Spass gemacht, weil man sich im Kopf ausmalen konnte was noch alles kommen würde nach der BETA. Im nachhinein stellte sich heraus, dass das Spiel einfach nicht mehr zu bieten hatte und man bewusst ein Art Täuschung der Fans in Kauf genommen hat. Selbiges galt für Destiny und Star Wars Battlefront. Man poliert auf höchster Qualität  eine quasi Demo und belässt es dann fast dabei. Dieses schlechte Gefühl in der Magen Gegend wiegt umso schwerer, wenn das Spiel eigentlich sehr viel Potenzial hatte. 

  4. evoVII, vor 2 Minuten:

    öhhhh...das will ich mal ganz stark bezweifeln...?!

    Warst du z.B. in dem Haus wo man die 3 Virenscannern unter Zeitdruck finden muss um am Ende dann die Daten hochzuladen?

    Verschiedene Waffen und die daraus resultierenden Taktiken ausprobiert? Sniper, Assault, SMG, LMG, Pumpgun...

    Versucht erfolgreich als Rogue in der DarkZone durchzukommen?

    Den Flammenwerfer-Endboss in der U-Bahn alleine besiegt?

    Die letzte Mission der DZ02 (glaube die heißt Museum) geschafft?

    Die Hauptmission auf Stufe Schwer gespielt?

    Ressourcen für den 2. Ausbau des Medic-Flügels gesammelt?

    ...... :D


    So oder so...spannend wird es eh erst wenn die Tech-Bäume freigeschaltet sind und man mit seinen Spezialfähigkeiten und den ganzen verschiedenen Perks übermächtige Gegner im Team bekämpft wo es wirklich auf jeden Mann und die Nutzung deren Perks ankommt...

    Man merkt schon, dass ihr ordentlich Bock auf das Game habt aber trotzdem sollte man imo vorsichtig sein. Activision hat schon gezeigt wie man eine tolle Basis durch Marketing absolut in Grund und Boden managen kann und der übelste Grind draus entsteht. (Destiny) Ubisoft ist ja auch nicht grade als kundenfreundliche Firma bekannt daher ist Skepsis trotz dieser vielversprechenden Beta doch angebracht.

    • Gefällt mir! 1
  5. So habs mal länger angezockt. Find es eigentlich ziemlich gut aber der recht begrenzte Content in der Beta macht mir sorgen. Hab keinen Lust am DLC Hungertuch zu hängen wie bei Destiny. Was meint ihr dazu?

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