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Es wird immer hart gearbeitet bei den Devs. Im Schnitt sind es so 2-3 SVN-Commits pro Tag. :)

Heute mal ein Schmankerl aus dem Dev-Blog:

Bardia bekommt für 2.45 etwas liebe und die Devs haben einen kleinen Trick gefunden, mit dem das Out-of-Bounds Terrain der BF2 Engine verschönert werden kann, was die Karten weitläufiger und realer erscheinen lässt. :)


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Victory by Variety

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2.

It has been a few weeks since our last update, and to make up for that, we have an update that is jam packed full of new content. To kick things off, we have a render of a new type of grenade for the common US infantry solider; the Mk. III A1 Offensive Hand Grenade!


The Mk. III was a concussion grenade, and was designed to incapacitate targets through the pressure and impulses produced when the grenade exploded. The weapon contained 8oz. of TNT and would often throw large fragments of the fuze assembly and surrounding material up to ranges 200m, despite the fact that the Mk. III was not a fragmentation grenade. The large explosions produced by this grenade made it not only successful against enemy soldiers, but also as an effective tool for blasting and demolition. The Grenade Hand, Offensive Mk. III A1 was made by Herc and Toddel.

Up next we have a render of the first ever machine gun that was fired from an aircraft; the Lewis Aircraft Gun!


The Lewis gun in its aerial configuration was used extensively on British and French aircraft during the First World War. Its popularity came from being light-weight, air-cooled, and the fact that it could be fitted with 97-round drum magazines. By World War II however, the Lewis Gun was largely replaced on aircraft by the Vickers Gun, which could achieve twice the firing rate of the Lewis. However, the weapon was still used on some British and US Army aircraft, and in FH2, the Lewis Gun will be present on the back of the Hawker Hardy. The Lewis Aircraft Gun was made by Herc and exported by Kev4000.

Our next render is of a new aircraft for the American pilots serving in the harsh deserts of North Africa; the Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vb Trop!


Although the Spitfire had already proved successful in the RAF, the Sptifire was used to equip the 4th, 31st, and 52nd fighter groups of the USAAF in the summer of 1942. The Spitfire Mk. Vb Trop was created by Rad, textured by Toddel and Herc, and exported by ctz.

Our last render for this week is of another RAF aircraft. It is the Hawker Hurricane Mk. I


In 1939, several changes were made to the design of the existing Hurricane. These included a new powerplant, the Merlin III, a new metal propeller, new radios, and Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) equipment. Additionally, the aircraft was armed with eight, closely grouped .303" machine guns which provided an excellent field of fire. During combat, it was discovered that the Hurricane's fuel tanks were vulnerable to machine gun fire from enemy bombers, which could then ignite the aircraft mid flight. However, despite this the Hurricane would go on to be extremely successful during the Battle of Britain and would ultimately down more aircraft than the Spitfire. The Hawker Hurricane Mk. I was made by Lobo and textured by Lobo and Herc.

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gab es nicht noch auch eine Spitfire 8 .303 MGs ?

jetzt weiß ich es Spitfire MK Ia

die fehlt noch ;P

Bearbeitet von Miso
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Ach komm, ich habe lieber zwei MGs weniger, wenn ich dafür, wie hier auf der Mk. V, zwei 20 mm Kanonen bekomme. :daumenhoch:

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Jetzt hört doch mit euren Variationen auf :wtfgtfo: , die sollen endlich fertig werden ;)

btw : schönes Updates :)

Bearbeitet von Weapi
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Cobra re-visited

Featuring a lot of tanks and airplanes, Operation Cobra is one of the most played FH2 maps. However, we figured that it needed improvement in certain areas, so the map received a complete overhaul by Natty.

New terrain and lighting

Some of the changes are graphical. The map has received eye-popping new lighting settings, as well as new textures and vegetation. But don't take our word for it:






Sector Push

In 2.45, Operation Cobra will feature a semi-sector push mode. Gone are the days when a lonely back capper in a jeep could ruin everyone's day by driving back to farm or water mill: Once these two flags are captured, the fight moves on into the city!

Improved city

The city and its environs have also received a much-needed overhaul. New routes have been opened for the sneaky infantry player and tanks will find the streets of Herbecrévon a lot more enjoyable to navigate. The airfield has also been completely reworked, adding cover for spawning players and tanks and making it a lot more appealing visually. On top of that, a new flag named “Crossroads” has been added in the north, making the fight for the city more dynamic.






Balance changes and new toys

When the Germans lose all flags in 2.4, it is almost impossible for them to come back into the fight. In 2.45, the Allies will have to face a formidable German counter attack, consisting of Panthers, Stug IVs and more planes. However, the Germans bleed fast, so get a move on, soldier!

The Americans don't come into the fight empty handed either. They now use the better armored M4A3 Sherman variant, allowing them to have a more sporting chance against the panzers. And for those of you who always thought 75mm was kind of wimpy, some of them have been fitted with a 105mm howitzer, allowing you to effectively support infantry and to clear out buildings and fortifications with ease. As the Germans you can shoot back with your heavy at rifle grenades. These are now closer to their historical effectiveness and replace the Panzerfaust 30 in German tank hunter kits. They have slightly lower damage and penetration, but longer range, more ammunition and still come with a rifle as side-arm, making this one of the most versatile kits ingame.

These changes together will make Operation Cobra a totally new experience for tank connoisseurs and flyboys alike!

Bearbeitet von Ts4EVER
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hättest du wenigstens übersetzen können :guckstdu:

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Krasse scheisse, das tönt nach einer Menge Veränderung :daumenhoch: . Die neuen Statics begrüsse ich sehr, fand ich doch diese Map immer einbisschen unfertig (hab es aber immer entschuldigt mit der Grösse). Der andere Spielmodus wird sicher neuen Wind in die Map bringen und vorallem dem schönen Städtchen zu gute kommen.

Was mich jedoch verunsichert sind die stärkeren Tanks der Amis. Natürlich war es meistens ein leichtes mit den Stugs und Panther die Sherman aufzuhalten, aber die Menge an Tanks die den Amis zur Verfügung standen, glichen dies doch sehr aus. Dazu kommen noch die Jabos mit Raketen die jeder Deutschen Panzerbesatzung das fürchten lernen. Weiter geht es mit dem Anti-Tank-Kit der Deutschen, eine leicht stärkere Gewehrgranate soll die Panzerfaust ersetzen? Ich finde es zwar schön wenn neue Kits eingebracht werden, aber diese Änderung ist nicht nur historisch lächerlich.

Alles in allem bin ich gespannt, hoffe jedoch das dafür zumindest 10 Panzerfaust-Kits auf der Map frei rumliegen.

Ich freue mich schon aufs Spielen.

Danke FH2 :yiiiiha:

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Oha AT Gewehrgranaten haben etwas von dem FH1 Japanischen AT Soldaten und der war relativ beschissen gegen die Sherman Panzer :fear2:

Naja obs jetzt ein M4A1 oder M4A3 mit 75mm oder 105mm ist macht eigentlich den Braten nicht fett der PIV oder Panther kommen trotzdem noch mit Leichtigkeit durch... :whistling:

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Warum sollen die at granaten quatsch sein? Die wurden zur Panzerzerstörung ausgegeben. Die Einheit auf der Map ist die 17. SS Panzergrenadier Division "Götz von Berlichingen" und die hatte in der Normandie noch keine Panzerfäuste geliefert gekriegt.

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Zerstör mal einen Jumbo mit ner Gewehrgranate :gehtsnoch: und die 105 sind auch recht gefährlich. Ich habe vielmals davon profitiert, dass die 75er der Shermans mein Stug nicht ganz plätten konnten. Vorallem wenn sie die Überzahl an Panzern ausspielten.

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