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Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope! Today's update, while small, contains a favorite of all those who have ever witnessed its awesome power in Forgotten Hope 1.

For this week's update, we have the Willys MB Calliope to show off, otherwise known as the "Rocket Willy"!

The Willys MB was a small, 4x4 vehicle manufactured from 1941 to 1945, with over 360,000 produced. The Willys MB Calliope was a standard jeep modified by a 7th Army Ordnance officer to carry 12 steel, 4.5 inch rocket tubes. The launchers were aimed by adjusting the elevation using a crank on the side of the vehicle and aligning it with aiming stakes. When it was time to fire the rockets, the soldier closed the protective ports in the front windshield, sat in the driver's position, and used in an electric contact to to launch the rockets. The Willys MB Calliope was made by Rad and finished by Toddel.


€: Bild kleiner gemacht und wo anders geuppt.

Bearbeitet von JackONeill
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Hätte mich mehr auf den M36 gefreut. :(

Mal gucken ob der rocketwilly mal nen nutzen hat und nicht wie in FH1 als Feuerwerk speiendes Taxi missbraucht wird :ermm:

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Aber grad das als Fumobil taugt das Teil am meisten. Rum heizen und bum bum machen = :awesome:

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Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope! It has been a few weeks since we've had an update, but today we are back, ready to begin showing off some of the more major changes that you will see coming in 2.4, along with a small teaser trailer, and a new shovel!

Up first, we are proud to show off the first screenshots of a major graphical update to FH2. FH2.4 will feature new shaders developed by Remdul. These overall changes will bring the look of Forgotten Hope 2 on-par with most modern games.

The post-processing effect consists of several elements. The first and most notable is 'color correction'. Color correction changes the overall look of the image by subtly altering the colors and contrast. Each level now has it's own look, accentuating the colors of environment, adding to the immersion.

The second most noticeable improvement is the blur. In previous versions of FH2, the iron-sight depth-of-field effect showed slight double-vision. This has been greatly reduced through dithering, and now looks much more natural. Usage of the blur effect has also been expanded, it is now enabled not only for iron-sights, but also for binoculars, gun sights and deployable weapons alike.

Two other minor aspects of the post processing shaders is the slight darkening of the corners of the screen, and a faint film grain.






The 'near-death' effect has also been improved, as you can see in this screenshot below.


It should also be noted that the new effects have been carefully tweaked as not to interfere with gameplay. Lastly, a handful of BF2 shader bugs and compatibility issues have also been fixed.

Next up for today is a brand new melee weapon for the US forces; the M1910 Shovel!


The M1910 (or T-handle as it was sometimes called) was a simple entrenchment tool made from metal with a wooden handle. It originally saw action in World War I, with many also being used in the second World War as well. Due to its relatively crude and weak design, the older M1910 was replaced in 1943 by the M1943 Shovel, but it was never completely phased out of use. The M1910 Shovel was made by Remdul.

The third item for today is a small teaser trailer made by betatester Kubador. If you look closely enough, you should be able to spot some unseen content! Enjoy!


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

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Ich hoffe die leut hörn nu auf rumzuheuln wegen dem Kötiskin in den Ardennen.

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Sehr geil.

Beeindruckend, dass sich FH2 an ein Winterszenario ranwagt. Gerade mit BF2 keine einfache Aufgabe. Respekt!

Die neuen Shader gefallen mir auch sehr gut ist nur etwas schwierig zu beurteilen anhand der Screenshots.

Werde mir die neue Version sicher mal wieder anschauen.

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die shader sind ganz gut gelungen :) gespannt ob das ingame auch so aussieht im trailer merkt man davon noch nix ;) aber der trailer is auch bestimmt vor den shadern entstanden

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ich hoffe dieser scheiß grauer-bildschirm-bei-ironsights-bug wurde endlich behoben

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In Sachen FH2 bin ich nimmer ganz Up-to-date die Russen wurden ja auch angekündigt, kommen die mit v2.4 eigentlich auch oder nur die Ardennen?

Edit: Gerade mal in alten News gestöbert da steht das die Russen nach dem BotB Patch kommen.

Bearbeitet von PrometheusX
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