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Echt nett zu lesen :daumenhoch:


MAGNUS: I’d like to give people back the possibility to modify Battlefield in the future.

MATS: Yeah.

The game that changed everything.

MAGNUS: I remember this dude making the craziest mods for 1942. He remade a Tiger tank into a spider…

LARS: …And put a tilt rotor on the B-17 bomber!

MAGNUS: Awesome stuff!

LARS: And I remember a Pirates versus zombies mod and a Formula 1 mod.

LARS: Maybe Stefan knows, but if you do a mod tool nowadays I think it has to be pretty thorough since everything is so complex. You’d need to put a lot of work into those tools.

MATS: Wait, wasn’t it MORE complex in Battlefield 1942? Those mod tools were pretty basic.

LARS: Yeah, you pretty much had to reverse engineer the game! Could it be any more complex?

MATS: But seriously, it would be cool to make it moddable again. It makes the game live longer, not just because of us.

LARS: Yes. The game takes on a life of its own.

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