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Elite: Dangerous

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ui geil. aber paar fragen hab ich da noch:

Community Goals added - was genau is denn so ein goal?

Fix the medium missile rack firing backwards - lolwut?

was is nun mit den social features?





frameshiftdrive charging..3,2,1...HADOUKEN!!!

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nochmehr gute fixes aus dem changelog:


Added a chevron to the landing pad schematics to help indicate the direction that a player's ship should be facing when docking - sehr gut für kleine stationen


Make sure that an AI follows a player into their session after an interdiction - da war öfters einfach niemand


Added Supersampling menu options - kann ich mit meiner ATI nicht über den catalyst machen, daher sehr geil :super:


Fix for the galaxy map not responding to changing options - endlich, ich musste immer meinen player-ordner löschen


Collision damage update:

Damage is now calculated at both ends and each apply half, it should no longer be possible for one party to miraculously escape undamaged from a collision

Changed the mass/velocity to damage calculation, it should now be more consistent and harder to damage large ships with small ones, even at high speed - mal sehen ob man mit nem großen schiff immernoch alle kleinen one-hit rammen kann :unsure2:


When the player accidentally hits an AI ship damage is accumulated. If a threshold is exceeded (by multiple hits or a powerful weapon like a rail-run), the ship turns hostile. The AI ship will "forget" the damage before it turns hostile: 1) if the AI ship recharges its shield to 100%. 2) if a (currently 30 sec) timer runs out. - endlich...scheiß Cops, die einen immer in die line of fire fliegen


Interdiction can be a Crime - nice, gut fürs balancing


Have different combat bond values for each ship type - mal testen, vielleicht sind die comat zones jetzt ertragreicher


liest sich gut. sogar besser als die arma3 changelogs :super:

Bearbeitet von bigmumu
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bah du warst schneller :D


4 Spieler Wings sind also geplant. Das heisst 4vs4 im pvp. Mal schauen was sich da so als gutes Setup entwickeln wird. 

Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo
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Das wird höchstens 4vs1 jedes mal. Kennt man doch aus anderen Games. :D Ist da mittlerweile überhaupt was zu tun außer von A nach B zu fliegen und sich das nächst größere Schiff zu kaufen? Hab das Spiel das letzte mal in der Beta gespielt und bis jetzt war das eher langweilig wegen dem Content.

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Dev Update - 19.02.2015

Hi everyone,

This week’s dev update sees a new minor release with update 1.1.05 including various fixes and tweaks as part of our ongoing support for the game.

Last week’s newsletter included a statement about support and improving our response. This is important to us not just from a customer support perspective but also from the dev team’s point of view. As well as hiring more staff we’ve also been reviewing procedures so there will be some changes coming in how bugs are reported and tracked. There’ll be more information on this once everything is in place, we anticipate this being within the next couple of weeks.

Update 1.2 is one of the major focuses for the team with the headline Wings feature. PC Gamer interviewed Sandy this week and you can read it on their website:


There’s already been a fair amount of discussion on what was revealed in the article. One aspect was the why we selected four pilots as being the wing size. When it came to deciding on a maximum wing size, we decided that four was, in this particular case, the magic number. In addition to the obvious benefits of getting multiple wings into a single session and ensuring that a single wing can always be outnumbered, there was the less sexy, but equally real issue of making sure the feedback for wings integrated well with the HUD.

Interface is always important and with Elite: Dangerous, we’ve ensured the ship’s HUD is kept “in-world”. This improves the player experience, but it also makes it much more challenging to update. With wings, we’ve kept to the tenet of a “clear combat view”, updating the Comms and Info panels to allow us to bring in wing elements without compromising canopy visibility.

One of the new additions with Wings is the ability to lock-on to your wing mates. The lock-on is a new feature specifically for wings. It lets you lock the details of a wingman’s ship into your nav-computer and “soft-slave” your frame shift drive to theirs. Even though we’ve relaxed the limits for using wakes of wingmen (you can be travelling faster and farther away and still drop in/out of super cruise), a wing lock-on automates FSD use – all you need to do is fly close enough. You still need to make sure you’re eligible to make the jump, but it should dramatically help in time critical situations, such as when your wingman is being interdicted.

The lock-on will also hopefully generate some interesting choices, as each member of the wing can only lock-on to a single target. So you might, as a wing, favour a “closed loop” array, where each wingman locks on to a different member, ensuring that eventually all of the wing will be able to use the automatic soft-slave effect, or you might decide to “protect the weak”, where all members lock-on to the same wingman, potentially speeding up process: if the target drops from super cruise, all lock-on member will be able to drop out at the same time, rather than follow each other in sequence.

As well as the multiplayer centric Wings there will be additions that apply to everyone whether you play in multiplayer or in solo. Changes to USSs are being made so you can scan them in advance to gain an impression of the scale of the signal – beware the larger scale USSs as they might be too dangerous, especially if you’re alone!

The Wings update doesn’t just aid players – NPCs get the ability to fly in groups of their own, so while flying in supercruise you can encounter flights of authority ships, pirates or a trader groups.

Elsewhere on the team work continues apace on the Mac version. This week’s focus has been on the rendering side, especially for different types of graphics cards and we’re still on track for the planned beta at the end of March.





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Ist mir nicht bekannt.



Ich will unbedingt auch mal ein Schiff fliegen können, dass so nen Auftritt hat wie cool das wäre reinzujumpen, wenn gerade einer aus dem eigenen Wing von einer anderen Gruppe interdicted wurde.  :awesome:


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was zum ist das?

npc schiff?
ein event?

mal ein bischen gegoogelt, wo gibt es solche capital ships, sind das events oder wo gibt es diese, habe sowas bisher noch nie gesehen weder ingame noch in einem video.

Bearbeitet von Banaene
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Die sind schon seit der Beta im Spiel glaube ich, die findest du bei High intensity conflict zones. Allerdings sieht man die nur selten reinspringen.


Habs selbst erst einmal gesehen, bin allerdings auch nur selten in diese Zonen rein.

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Hab es gestern mal wieder an geschmissen... Ist das jetzt normal das ich bei vielen Stationen einfach abgelehnt werde? Also wenn ich versuche die Dockingerlaubnis einzuholen werde ich ohne besonderen Grund abgelehnt.


€: Oder liegt es daran das ich gestern eine Mission abbrechen musste weil es ein Kampfgebiet nicht mehr gab und ich jetzt zu schlechtes Ansehen bei den diversen Stationen genieße?

Bearbeitet von Sepsis
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Gibt es schon seit der Beta. Dann ist glaube ich die Station voll oder so, keine ahnung.
Habe ich nicht oft, aber einfach mal relogen dann ist man in einem anderen channel und es müsste funktionieren.

Nur wenn du bei der Station als gesucht zählst, lehnen sie gefühlt immer ab.

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